Top 5 common ecosystems

1.° Carpinter Lagoon

You cant swin beacause of the crocodiles, there are boat rides, you can hangout whit your family.

Flora: Black and white mangroves ( mangrow)
Fauna:Crocodile moreletti  (crocodylus) and turtles (chelonioidea)

2.°La vega escondida

Its located in the northwestern of chairel region its a protect natural area .

Flora: Palms (aracaceae) , black mangrove (mangrow)

Fauna: Frogs (genus), reptiles,ducks (anas platyrhynchos).

3.° Tamesi River

it crosses the southern state of tamaulipas .

Flora: Palmar (aracaceae), pine oak (fagaceae)

Fauna: crustaceans, snails (achatinoidea),clams and mussels (mollusca).
4.°Miramar beach

Flora: algae (archaeplastida), palms(arqacaceae), and pines (pinoideade).

Fauna: turtles (chelonioidea), crabs (ocypode quadrata), jelly fish(cniadaria scyphozoa aurelia) and some type of fish.
5.° Sand dunes

Goldy sand whit a form of a little mountain.
flora: schrub (abelia glandifora), acelga (beta bulgaris), beach campanilla.
Fauna: country rabbit (pentalagus furnesi), spiders (arachnida), red crab (gecarcinus quadratus). and seagull (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae).

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